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Since she was in elementary school, she always wanted to be in the medical field and become a healthcare provider. Dr. Luna Wahnon Benayoun always knew she wanted to be a doctor. She studied at Central University of Venezuela and received her Medical Doctor degree in 1982. From there, this was just the beginning; she was able to finish her post grade studies (pediatric) by 1990. She then emigrated to the United States, and this was not an obstacle for her to continue studying. She started at Florida International University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Nursing by 2015. In 2016, she received a master’s degree in Family Nurse Practitioner. In 2020, she obtained autonomous practice privilege. As soon as she received her master’s degree, she joined Myl Group services. She enjoys educating her patients on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle choices.
Since 2017, MYL Group Services has provided a place for excellence in healthcare services grounded in a family-oriented, all-inclusive and comfortable environment. We Specialize in Preventive Care to Keep You and your family Healthy. Our comprehensive medical model focuses on preventative, acute, and chronic healthcare delivery, resulting in improved patient outcomes for adults and children. Because we understand the needs of the communities we serve, our centers are designed to embrace the diverse nature of the surrounding culture.
MYL Group’s mission is to provide individualized care that promotes a positive patient-physician relationship, ensuring high quality medical treatment. Our patients are considered family and are at the heart of everything we do. As part of our core values, we are committed to having a direct impact on the lives of our patients, their families and the communities we serve. Our goal is to make you feel better as quickly as possible and to bring a healthier future to our patients.
Myl Group, a health solutions provider, is committed to improving the quality of life and wellbeing of our patients and the populations we serve. With years of experience, our medical team will assess you and create a custom recovery plan that is right for you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can heal quickly.
We are excited to announce that MYL Group Services also offers Telehealth, a virtual platform that gives you access to a HIPAA compliant connection, private secure video appointment. Now, in many instances, you can see your doctor or medical team members from the comfort, convenience and safety of your own home. All you need is an email address, a smart cell phone, tablet or computer and an Internet connection. For all your healthcare needs and concerns - we have doctors ready to serve you. Schedule your telehealth appointment TODAY!
Same day appointments available!
We encourage and support your right to know about your health and other important subjects surrounding Myl Group as your medical home. We carefully follow all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, and we’ve set exceptional standards for our programs that are committed to your rights as a patient.
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